by | Feb 5, 2018 | Drinks, Vegan, Wine and Prosecco
The bad news about what’s in the wine we drink Over the years, wine making has gradually become more and more industrialised. Chemical pesticides are widely used in its production, from the cultivation of the vines all the way up to wine bottling. Strangely,...
by | Jan 26, 2018 | Food and well being
It can sometimes be hard to find the positives in winter: grey clouds, dark nights and summer days feeling like a distant memory. At Vorrei, however, we think we’ve found the perfect reason to be happy this winter – and it comes in the form of a truffle!...
by | Jan 19, 2018 | Christmas recipes, Desserts, Recipes, Vegetarian
Recipe for Panettone French Toast with Mixed Berries Panettone French Toast is a great recipe for a delicious dessert or a luxurious breakfast using left over Panettone slices. If yours disappeared well before Christmas it’s a great time to find bargain...
by | Jan 18, 2018 | Antipasti, Desserts, Recipes, Salads
Balsamic vinegar is most certainly one of the top Italian ingredients that can change everyday foods into a unique, mouth-watering experience. Original Balsamic Vinegar is made from the reduction of grape juice, usually Trebbiano or Lambrusco grapes. The rich, dense...
by | Jan 17, 2018 | Food and well being, Vegetarian
Balsamic vinegar is an original artisan product that hails from Modena and Reggio Emilia in Italy. Made from white, sweet grape, it is simmered to a concentrate (known as must) before being left to ferment in wooden barrels: much like wine. The must is moved between...