by | Feb 18, 2017 | Desserts, Eat your way around Italy, Recipes
Calabria is a breathtakingly beautiful region in southern Italy. It is the “toe” of Italian peninsula, surrounded on three sides by sea and characterised by wide sandy beaches overlooked by stunning hill-top towns. Tipped as one of the ‘Top 52 places to...
by | Feb 9, 2017 | Cooking tips
The Italian ingredients in a traditional kitchen cupboard will be fairly consistent across Italy, although there are enormous differences between the Italian regions and huge regional variations in cuisine. Below we’ve compiled our top 20 list of the Italian...
by | Feb 3, 2017 | Italian life
Somehow everything sounds so much better in Italian, from simple words such as ‘Fagiolino’ (the word for bean) and ‘Stuzzicadenti’ (tooth pick) to the many ways of expressing ‘amore’. You are never too old (or young) to learn Italian, so in honour of Valentine’s Day,...
by | Jan 25, 2017 | Food and well being
Chilli lovers rejoice! There’s great news for the red hot chilli pepper lovers among you! Recent studies conducted as part of the National Health Examination Survey III (NHANES) in the US observed more than 16,000 adults over a time span of 18 years and their...
by | Jan 6, 2017 | Pasta, Recipes, Vegan, Vegetarian
Aunt Connie’s recipe for this weekend is easy meat free lasagna with veggies and tofu – a veggie or if you prefer, vegan twist to a staple dish of the Italian cuisine. Follow this step-by-step recipe and make your own, succulent batch of tasty lasagna,...