by | Mar 29, 2019 | Italian life, Recipes, Uncategorised
Getting married in Italy is as joyous an occasion as it is in the UK, if not more. A day filled with laughter, tears, and the people we love, Italian weddings, just like ours, are naturally coupled with the finest food, wine, and gifts one can offer. So should you be...
by | Mar 28, 2019 | Italian life
Ever heard of a ‘Suspended Coffee’? It’s probably not what you imagine! Find out more about this simple act of kindness which originated in war time Naples. An oversized brown Italian moka coffee pot stands in a prime location outside the historic...
by | Feb 18, 2019 | Food and well being, Recipes
When you think of ‘superfoods’, kale, goji berries or chia seeds probably come to mind; maybe you don’t immediately think of humble anchovies .. yet they are in fact a superfood, boasting a myriad of incredible health benefits. What’s more, they can be...
by | Feb 10, 2019 | Pasta, Recipes
If you have never tried Sardinian Fregola pasta – now is the time! ‘Fregula Sarda’ looks similar to large couscous but is actually tiny rolled balls or crumbs (fregola means crumb in Italian) made from semolina flour and water. Our fregola have been...
by | Feb 4, 2019 | Recipes, Risotto
Recipe for Risotto dell’Amore. This unusual, savoury dish ‘Risotto dell’Amore’ combines fruit and rice and works really well. The strawberries give the risotto a burst of flavour without too much sweetness as well as a beautiful colour. We...