This is a deliciously indulgent recipe – combining creamy Gorgonzola dolce, Mascarpone and chopped walnuts with a cheeky drop or two of Cognac to give your crêpes an extra kick! The crêpes are made with whole grain flour though so you won’t have to feel too guilty about their filling!

Crêpes can be prepared in advance and filled and warmed in the oven just before serving making them an easy lunch or supper and great for a stress-free dinner party.


For the Crêpes –

100g whole grain flour (or if you prefer 50g plain flour & 50g whole grain flour).

1 large organic free range egg

300ml milk

Pinch of salt

– Of course you can buy 8 ready-made crêpes if you prefer!

For the filling – 

200g Gorgonzola Dolce cheese

100g Mascarpone cheese

Half a cup of chopped walnuts

2 tbsp Cognac (optional)

Oil or butter for frying

alt=Vorrei italian gorgonzola italian cheese"


Make the crêpes by sieving the flour and a pinch of salt into a bowl. Create a well in the centre with the spoon, crack the egg into the well and add half of the milk. Whisk together, gradually mixing in the flour until it forms a smooth paste then slowly add the remainder of milk. Beat well to remove any lumps.

Heat a little oil or butter in a medium frying pan. Pour a couple of tablespoons of batter into the pan, until the batter thinly coats the base. Cook over a moderate heat for 30 seconds to one minute until golden brown underneath.

Toss the crêpe or flip it over with a palette knife, and cook the other side until it is golden brown too. Slide it out of the pan on to a plate, heat a little more oil or butter and then cook the crêpes one at a time in the same way.

Stack the crêpes and keep them warm in the oven until they are all ready.

In a pan mix the Gorgonzola Dolce with the mascarpone cheese and the cognac. Add the walnuts and spread this mixture onto the warm crêpes.

Roll up the crêpes or fold them into four and place in a baking tin, heat in a low temperature oven for 5 minutes just before serving.

Serve with a lovely cool glass of our organic Gavi which pairs really well with the Gorgonzola Dolce!