Somehow everything sounds so much better in Italian, from simple words such as ‘Fagiolino’ (the word for bean) and ‘Stuzzicadenti’ (tooth pick) to the many ways of expressing ‘amore’. You are never too old (or young) to learn Italian, so in honour of Valentine’s Day, here are our top 10 Italian love phrases:
1) Ti amo – I love you (reserved for the love of your life)
2) Ti amo alla follia – I love you to distraction.
3) Ti voglio bene – I love you/care about you – often seen shortened to TVB (an expression more of affection than love – also used for friends & family).
4) Mio cuore batte solo per te – My heart beats only for you.
5) Sei la mia anima gemella – you’re my soulmate.
6) Sei l’uomo/la donna dei miei sogni – you are the man/woman of my dreams.
7) Sona pazzo/pazza di te – I’m crazy for you.
8) E’ stato un colpo di fulmine – It was love at first sight (Literally a lightning bolt).
9) Ho preso una cotta per te – I have a crush on you!
10) Mi manchi come l’aria che respiro – I miss you like the air that I breathe.
Have fun with these phrases this Valentine’s Day, add them to your Valentine’s cards and impress your loved one with them over dinner!
Buon San Valentino!